HELP!! parse error: Invalid numeric literal at line x, column x?! It’s not your Oracle REST API!!

Chris Hoina
4 min readSep 2, 2023


A few days ago, I penned a blog post highlighting the ORDS REST-Enabled SQL Service. And in that blog, I displayed the output of a cURL command. A cURL command I issued to an ORDS REST-Enabled SQL Service endpoint. Unfortunately, it was very messy and very unreadable. I mentioned that I would fix it later. Well…it’s now…later (temporal paradox, anybody 🤨?).


If you recall, the output of my POST request looked like this:

Yikes, you kiss your mother with that mouth?!

JSON is not displaying correctly

Well, the reason why I didn’t originally pipe in the json_pp command is because this is what happened when I attempted it:


Jefe to the rescue

After reading my newly published article, Jefe suggested I try the jq command.

The Yoda to my Padawan

Which, of course, I did. Still no luck:

Different issue though

Andiamo a googliare!

Online search to the rescue

Search online using the keywords “parse error: Invalid numeric literal at,” and you’ll quickly discover that you’re not the only one with this problem.

Five minutes of research revealed a potential culprit. What I was experiencing seemed to be a known issue. For example, a long-standing jq bug on GitHub details this exact scenario. This doesn't seem to be a jqor json_pp issue. Instead, the problem is somehow related to the -i cURLcommand option and JSON parsing.

After another few minutes, as luck would have it, I found a Stack Overflow thread discussing the same issue I encountered! After scrolling to the bottom of the thread, I found this golden nugget:

Thank you Mattias and nhs503 🥰

Testing without -i

So, I did just what Mattias and nhs503 suggested. I removed the -i option (-i, or — include) from my cURL command, and wouldn't you know? The damn thing works as expected! I tested while piping jq and json_pp. I also concede that jq is the prettier of the two; I appreciate the colors (although, admittedly, this would NOT pass any accessibility testing).

The modified commands used:

curl -X POST --user ORDSTEST:password1234 --data-binary "@sportCountryMatrix.sql" -H "Content-Type: application/sql" -k http://localhost:8080/ords/ordstest/_/sql | jq
curl -X POST --user ORDSTEST:password1234 --data-binary "@sportCountryMatrix.sql" -H "Content-Type: application/sql" -k http://localhost:8080/ords/ordstest/_/sql | json_pp

And the results:

jq part one of the response
jq part two of the response
json_pp part one of the response
json_pp part two of the response

Final thoughts

And for some final thoughts…

  1. It turns out it’s NOT ORDS — it’s something to do with an underlying JSON parser not liking the header info that is coming through
  2. json_pp and jq work; they output the information in different order
  3. The ORDS REST-Enabled SQL Service returns to you not only your results, but the SQL statement initially used (that is cool and I didn’t originally realize or mention this)

And that’s it for this one! I really hope you find this useful. I hope this saves you some time from having to troubleshoot and/or hunt for a fix for this tricky problem. That’s all for now!


And don’t forget to follow, like, subscribe, share, taunt, troll, or stalk me!



Chris Hoina
Chris Hoina

Written by Chris Hoina

I’m a Senior Product Manager at Oracle. But I’m more than that. I’m not to be objectified, like some shiny toy or trinket…

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